Until March 25, 2024, Polla Chilena de Beneficencia (PChB) will be in force the process of requesting information and expressions of interest (RFI) for the market of suppliers of development platforms and/or provision of digital games and technological platforms.

"Our main objective today is to be agile and direct our resources towards solutions that not only improve the offer to clients, but also generate a positive impact on revenues, thus contributing to economic development and increasing our contributions to the State and the different beneficiary institutions", said Bernardo Núñez, Polla's Information Technology Manager.

Interested companies can download the information with the details of the RFI at www.pollachilena.cl or request it by emailing [email protected].

Download the document https://www.pollachilena.cl

About Polla Chilena de Beneficencia

Polla Chilena de Beneficencia S.A. is a corporation owned by shareholders of the State of Chile. Its business is to carry out lottery draws, bets and others related to sports competitions and draws of numbers authorized by law.

Polla Chilena was founded on July 13, 1934 and all of the company's games have a charitable component that involves giving a percentage of the income to different institutions, which are previously defined as a constituent part of the social role with which Polla Chilena was created.

Polla Chilena de Beneficencia seeks to permanently contribute to the country, anticipate changes in the environment, proactively face innovation and, at the same time, be a corporate citizen recognized for its social contribution among its different stakeholders.


Bernardo Núñez
Information Technology Manager.
[email protected]