WLA-SCS:2024 now available
The WLA-SCS:2024, together with supplementary documentation including the WLA-SCS Guide to Certification, is now available.
For key WLA-SCS:2024 documents, please see the resource list provided immediately below.
The security of a gaming operator will always play a critical role in maintaining the confidence and trust of the public in its games. Therefore, it is vital that a gaming organization develops and maintains a visible and documented security environment in order to achieve and sustain public confidence in its operations.
The WLA Security Control Standard (WLA-SCS) is the only internationally recognized security standard for the lottery sector. It is designed to assist WLA members to obtain a level of security control in line with generally accepted best practices and to enable an increased reliance on the integrity of their operations. The WLA-SCS specifies the required practices for an effective security management structure by which an organization may maintain the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information vital to its secure operation.
A security and risk management framework, such as the WLA-SCS, is established by comparing current security and integrity practices used in the industry with those approved by gaming security experts. The WLA-SCS is developed and maintained by the WLA Security and Risk Management Committee, a group of lottery security experts appointed by the WLA Executive Committee.
All new or updated standards must be approved by the WLA Executive Committee and ratified by the delegates of the WLA General Meeting prior to publication.
We are pleased to announce that the updated version of the WLA SCS:2024 standard was ratified by the WLA General Assembly, which was held on 24th October at the WLS 2024 in Paris.
The WLA Security Control Standard 2020 introduced new concepts – notably the S Section for gaming system supplier and operator controls, and a section for cloud security controls. Over the past four years, these controls have proved challenging for members, raising many questions and requiring diverse action plans. Bearing this in mind and given the above-mentioned security challenges faced by members since the publishing of WLA SCS:2020, with the updated WLA SCS:2024 version users can expect clearer guidance on how to deal with the security of suppliers, and managed services, be it in hosted data centers, or in the cloud.
We have also reorganized some controls, to simplify the standard. For example, some controls have been moved to the general section, since they are applicable to all game offerings. Other general security controls that are already detailed in ISO/IEC 27001, Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security management systems — Requirements, have also been simplified. Importantly, a section has been created for Random Number Generators, since they are at the heart of all lottery game operations, as well the add on a new control online games, cover virtual betting and modification to the terminology.
The structure is as follows:
For a better understanding of changes that occurred from WLA-SCS:2020 and WLA-SCS:2024 download the documents here below:
For initial certifications, the WLA SRMC established a transition period of six months, which extends until April 30, 2025. During this period, WLA members that request to be WLA-SCS certified can choose to certify to either the WLA-SCS:2020 or the WLA-SCS:2024.
Initial certifications completed after April 30, 2025, must be to the WLA-SCS:2024.
For recertifications and annual review assessments the WLA SRMC established a transition period of two years, which extends until October 31, 2026. During this period, WLA members can choose to perform recertifications or annual review assessments based to either the WLA-SCS:2020 or the WLA-SCS:2024.
Recertifications and annual review assessments completed after October 31, 2026, must be to WLA-SCS:2024.
If a WLA-SCS:2020 certified member chooses to recertify to the WLA-SCS:2024 within the framework of an annual review assessment, all the new controls of the WLA-SCS:2024 must be assessed in addition to the controls originally scheduled for the annual review assessment.