
Revised WLA RGF Submission Procedures 2024

After years of testing and feedback from state-regulated lotteries and state-licensed sports betting operators that have gone through the process of certifying to various certification levels of the WLA-RGF, a new online online submission process has been introduced in 2024. Submission for all levels of WLA-RGF certification needs to be completed via The online submission process enables a simplified and streamlined certification process for state-regulated lotteries and state-licensed sports betting operators, as well as for the Independent Assesment Panel and the WLA business offices.

To get access to the online submission platform, go to and provide information about the level you wish to apply for. You will subsequently be contacted to set up your account. For a personalised demo and set up, simply book some time via

Responsible Gaming Framework

The Seven Responsible Gaming Principles serve as the foundation for the WLA Responsible Gaming Framework (RGF). The WLA RGF consists of four levels of achievement and 10 Program elements. It outlines how lotteries can demonstrate their level of commitment to the WLA Responsible Gaming Principles. The WLA RGF allows for cultural and regional differences and is designed to complement and improve – not replace – the safeguards that individual lottery operators have in place.

Each of the four levels achievement reflects how successfully a lottery has implemented the RG Principles into its day-to-day operations. The more advanced the responsible gaming program, the higher the level of achievement.

The four levels of achievement are:

Level 1: Commitment

All WLA members qualify for this level. By becoming a member of the WLA your lottery has agreed to embrace the WLA RG Principles. Hence the criteria for the level 1 certification have been fulfilled.

Level 2: Self-Assessment and Gap Analysis

Members complete a self-assessment and determine what RG programs need to be built to ensure the organization addresses all the Principles.

Level 3: Planning and Implementation

Members need to develop a plan, a timetable and a budget to implement specific RG programs.

Level 4: Continuous Improvement

Members are implementing specific programs into their day-to-day operations and are continuously improving their programs.

The broad categories of commitments and actions that members must translate into actual programs are the 10 Program Elements of the RG Framework. The 10 Program elements are:

  1. Research
  2. Employee Program
  3. Retailer Program
  4. Game Design
  5. Remote Gaming Channels
  6. Advertising and Marketing Communications
  7. Player Education
  8. Treatment Referral
  9. Stakeholder Engagement
  10. Reporting and Measurement

The WLA RGF Submission Guide 2024

The WLA Responsible Gaming Framework (WLA RGF) Submission Guide 2024 comprehensively documents the new, revised submission procedures for certifying to the WLA RGF.

In addition, the guide will provide you with everything you need to know in order to complete your submission for certification at each level of the WLA RGF, including support for determining which level your organization is qualified to apply for, and the action items that need to be completed for submission at a given level.

For state-regulated lotteries and state-licensed sports betting operators, recertifying to the WLA RGF, the new edition of the guide also includes a description of the WLA RGF recertification process using the new submission procedures.

The WLA Responsible Gaming Framework (WLA RGF) Submission Guide 2024 is available here.


The submission deadlines are twice yearly – May 1 and October 1.

The Responsible Gaming Independent Assessment Panel

Submitting member lotteries will be certified to the WLA Responsible Gaming Framework (RGF) with the help of an independent assessment panel. This panel is comprised of a selection of international experts from the field of corporate social responsibility. As an independent body the Responsible Gaming Independent Assessment Panel (RGIAP) will review all submissions for the RGF levels 2–4 and will forward their certification recommendations to the WLA. Through the knowledge and expertise of the RGIAP, the WLA has a reliable and competent partner to aid them in evaluating all submissions and to help them render a correct and precise decision on certification. Their suggestions will also help submitting lotteries to optimize and continually improve their responsible gaming programs.

The panel will do four things:

  • Assess the information provided by the lottery.
  • Assess the quality of the assurance provided.
  • Designate the level the lottery has accomplished.
  • Give feedback to the lottery on their performance.

For a brief biography on the panel members continue here.

Frequently asked questions

In order to give you a better picture of what the WLA Responsible Gaming Framework is and how it is implemented we have posted a number of the most frequently asked questions which have been asked by applicants in the past.

These can be accessed by proceeding here.

More information

Please contact us if you have any further questions about WLA's Responsible Gaming Principles and the Responsible Gaming Framework.